Housing and homelessness services
We help health and social care professionals support people they're working with
This directory is for professionals who are seeking housing or homelessness support for someone they're working with.
Accessing housing and homelessness services
- If someone needs homelessness support, you can refer them by filling out this short online form
- They can also attend one of our homelessness drops-ins and speak to a member of staff in person: find out more
Support for people sleeping rough (outreach service)
Support for people who are rough sleeping or have nowhere to live. Our outreach workers keep them safe, connect them with local support services and help them to find safe and secure housing that is right for their needs. We have specialist outreach workers who support women and people sleeping rough who have complex emotional needs.
- Available in: Canterbury, Dartford, Dover, Folkestone, Gravesend, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells
- Refer someone: report them online
Housing and support to help people regain independence (mental health housing-related support)
This service is for people (17+) with a mental health diagnosis whose primary need is mental health support. We provide accommodation and recovery-focused support (managing mental health, maintaining a tenancy, developing independent living skills, budgeting, accessing community support, getting into volunteering, training or work) for up to two years. To access this service, people must be referred by a professional.
- Available in: Ashford, Canterbury, Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley, Dover, Folkestone & Hythe, Thanet
- Learn more or refer someone: mentalhealthhousing@porchlight.org.uk
Homelessness support in Bexley (Stepping Stones hostel)
Housing where people who are homeless or at immediate risk of becoming so can stay for up to six weeks. They will also receive help to repair relationships with their family or a partner (if this was a cause of their homelessness) and access support for other issues they face such as poor mental health or debt. If needed, we will help them to find private rented accommodation.
- Available in: Bexley
- Find out more or refer someone via Bexley Council
Support for homeless hospital patients (Pathways project)
Additional support for patients who are homeless or at risk of becoming so. If someone is receiving emergency healthcare, they will also be helped to access support related to homelessness and housing, mental health and any other issues they are facing.
- Available in: Ashford (William Harvey Hospital), Canterbury (Canterbury Hospital), Margate (QEQM Hospital)
- Learn more: referrals@porchlight.org.uk