Young people and family services

We work with children, adolescents and their families with all kinds of needs

This directory is for professionals who are seeking support for young people they are working with.

Safe spaces and advice for LGBTQ+ young people (The BeYou Project)

A service for young people (aged 8 – 25) in Kent and Medway who identify as LGBTQ+ or are questioning their sexuality or gender. We run safe space meet-ups where they can be themselves and get advice for any issues they are facing or questions they have. We can also work with friends, parents, carers and schools, helping them understand how best to support young people.

Improving mental health crisis support for young adults (young adult mental health participation service)

If you work with a someone aged 18-25 who has been through a mental health crisis, we would like to speak with them to understand any barriers they faced when accessing support. The insights we gather will be used to improve the support that’s available. We won’t pressure young people to talk about anything that makes them uncomfortable and all discussions are confidential.

Helping young people to improve relationships and emotional resilience (Porchlight adolescent wellbeing service)

Help for young people (10-18) to overcome mental health and wellbeing-related issues that are affecting their education, home life or relationships with family and friends. We use CBT and DBT-informed techniques to help young people improve their wellbeing, become more confident and develop tools to overcome similar issues in the future. We can also help families improve relationships with the young person in their life and get support for other things that are affecting them (housing problems, money and benefit worries, etc).

Referrals are made through the Kent Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service (CYPMHS), delivered by the North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT).