Other information and support that's available

Help for you or your family

If you or someone you know is struggling with the cost of living, here is support that's available to you.

If you are in emotional distress

Life can get tough sometimes, but talking can help.

The Release the Pressure team in Kent is available 24/7. They provide urgent support with trained counsellors who will listen, no matter what you are going through. You can text the word KENT to 85258 or call 0800 107 0160

You can also webchat with Rethink, a charity who are available 24/7.

24/7 helpline is 116 123 (free) or email jo@samaritans.org

Other support and resources

National Domestic Abuse Helpline and website

Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust helpline for NHS mental health services is  0300 222 0123

NHS guide to looking after your mental health

Mind - ways to look after your mental health

Victim support helpline - 0808 16 89 111 - and website

Kent County Council Emergency Accomodation

Modern Slavery helpline - 08000 121 700 - and website