Help finding or preparing for work

Employment support to reach your goals

Our skilled and friendly employment advisors operate across Kent. They can support you back into work, to help you find training or start education.

Help with finding or preparing for work

We understand that everyone is different and has their own preferences and needs. We can help you reach your personal goals and find work that is right for you.

We can support you with: writing your CV, completing job applications, confidence building for interviews and also advocating on your behalf to potential employers.

Porchlight helped me find the confidence I needed to gain skills through volunteering, then move back into work.

Learning and development opportunities

We can help if you're looking to develop yourself by learning new skills or returning to education. We can help you apply to college or university, including help with forms for enrolment and bursaries.

If you’re not quite ready for work, we can look together at opportunities like volunteering to help you develop new skills and build your confidence.