Celebrating our Aspirations service

Reflecting on our successes

Porchlight's Aspirations service was funded for six years (by the EU and Lottery) to offer support for people in Kent who were not in employment.

The project has now come to a close and will no longer take new referrals. This video highlights the many ways the service changed the lives of its participants.

The Aspirations service used arts, sports and training to support people with poor mental health who were unemployed and geographically or socially isolated.

It was a Building Better Opportunities (BBO) project funded by the European Social Fund and the Lottery Community Fund.

An independent evaluation conducted by the University of Kent found that 76.6% of people supported by our Aspirations service reported an improvement in their mental health and wellbeing.

A total of 1,658 people were supported by the service during its lifespan, with 193 people helped into employment.

What to do if you are looking for support

If you are currently not in work and feel as though life is getting on top of you, or you are living with a mental health condition, we can still help you through Live Well Kent & Medway - a network of support organisations (including Porchlight).

We can help you regain your confidence, find ways to manage your mental health and wellbeing, and support you to gain work, volunteering or education opportunities.

Browse below for more information. If you want to learn more, just drop us an email, or call our free mental health referral line to talk through what is available for you on 0800 567 7699 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).
