Louise's story: "I feel like I’m part of the community again"
Now Louise is feeling positive about the future
Last year I was admitted to hospital because my mental health got really bad. While I was there, the nurse found the number for Aspirations and told me I should call them.
I have worked in social care since the age of 16. It got to a point where I couldn’t cope anymore. I was stressed and anxious all the time and I was calling in sick more than I was going in. It got so bad that I couldn’t do the job.
After that I was low, as low as I could get. I couldn’t read, my English skills were poor and my maths isn’t great. I had no skills to get a job and I couldn’t work in care anymore. I thought I’d reached the end and I didn’t know what else to do.
I felt like I was in despair and I wouldn’t even leave the house on my own. I felt like I was outside of society

I couldn’t cope with challenges and everything seemed like a huge problem, even if it wasn’t. I would get anxious, panic and turn to self-harm. I felt like I was in despair and I wouldn’t even leave the house on my own. I felt like I was outside of society.
Runway Training (part of the Aspirations service) first tested me on my English and maths. My English came out at quite a low level which I was disappointed with. We found out that I might have a condition called irlens syndrome. This means my brain’s ability to process visual information is different to most people’s. Knowing this helped me understand why I found it difficult to read.
Now I use a filter screen which helps me read. I’ve read 8 books in the past 3 months. I never used to read.
I'm working again now in a local shop. I used to dread going to work, but now I actually look forward to it.
My confidence is through the roof. I've been going to the gym and I’ve lost weight. Now that I’m back earning, I feel like I'm part of the community.
Now when problems come up, I can handle them so much better. I can stay calm and deal with things rationally, instead of panicking straight away.
I think when people see you as mentally ill, they write you off, and think you’re not able to achieve things in life. But now I think to myself “I can do this, I will achieve".
Find out more about our work, learning and skills support
We can help you rediscover your confidence, find ways to cope with your mental health and wellbeing, and support you to gain work, volunteering or education opportunities.