There’s so much you can do to create a safety net so everyone can find the support that's right for them. Subscribe free to our email newsletter for news, updates from our frontline team, and opportunities to get involved.
Organising your own fundraising event
Together, we fight for lasting change
We’re here to support you, so whether you want to hold a cake sale, a big party, or something else entirely, we want to hear from you.
Get in touch, and we can help support you with ideas on organising and promoting your event. We have resources available to help you, including donation collection tins, banners, t-shirts and leaflets to help you hit your target.
You can call us on 01227 813199 or email
Support and ideas
Support and ideas
Book a Porchlight talk
Hear first-hand how your support helps tackle the causes and consequences of poverty and inequality.
Contact our fundraising team if you'd like to book a talk for your school or business.
Call us: 01227 813199
We will use your email address to keep you updated with our work here at Porchlight. Please read our full privacy policy for more information.