All the ways local businesses are making a difference
Brilliant local businesses of all sizes have raised more than £143,000 for Porchlight in the past year.
We’d like to thank every business that showed its community spirit and creativity by getting involved with Porchlight over the last 12 months. Some took on fundraising challenges, others made donations or chose us as their charity of the year. Your support is hugely appreciated.
Working with Kent Cricket to promote wellbeing and inclusivity
We’re delighted to be Kent Cricket’s charity of the year. If you’re heading to a match at Kent Cricket Ground, look out for the Porchlight team who will be there talking about our work.
The club is promoting positive mental health in sport. In the past, we’ve brought clients to the ground for cricket taster sessions because we know the value group physical activities can have in improving a people’s mental wellbeing.
Kent Cricket is working with The BeYou Project, our service for LGBTQ+ young people, throughout Pride season to promote inclusivity in sport and will be hosting a Christmas meal for our clients in December.
"We're delighted to be Kent Cricket's charity of the year"
Barratt David Wilson Homes raises over £15,000
Staff at Barratt David Wilson Homes have raised more than £15,000 for us this year. They held a series of fundraising including a valentine’s raffle, pancake race, coronation bake off, charity football match and their own golf day.
Eating healthily thanks to Thanet Earth
Thanet Earth has been supporting us for years. It donates fresh veg so that people we support can take part in cooking workshops at our Porchlight Open Door meet-ups and enjoy healthy meals together. It also supports us financially - to date, it has donated an amazing £32,000 to help people facing homelessness in Kent. And that’s not all - soon, some of the Thanet Earth team will be doing an abseiling challenge to raise more money towards our work.
Travel made easier thanks to bikes from Team Tactics
Several people we support have been gifted bikes by Team Tactics, a company that sets charity challenges (such as building bikes) for local businesses. The bikes went to people who are recovering from homelessness, making it easier for them to travel to job interviews and other appointments, and to also improve their health.
Everybody who received one told us how thrilled they were and that it reminded them that people still care.
If you are a local business and would like to support porchlight, email